Be Loyal To The Royal Within You-A night for princess’s

Under the celestial lights that twinkled in the crisp winter air, ten beautiful young royal princess’s made their way to my home.
10 princess's prepare to enter the 'House of the Lord'
10 princess’s prepare to enter the ‘House of the Lord’
Their soft giggles and voices floated up to me as I lit the last candle in my library and my sister poured the last foot spa full of steaming water.  Upon our cue, another mother made her way down to the waiting girls and handed them each their own sparkly invitation with their initials upon it.  At the top of the steps, the curious princess’s (for they had been told nothing except to dress in white and to meet in the basement of my home) each showed the guards their invitations, and then were escorted to the candle-lit library on the arm of a waiting father.  Once all the girls seated and their feet comfortably soaking in the waiting water, Uncle Eric spoke to these Daughter of God about what a privilege it was to be allowed to go to the temple.  He told them that as Daughters of God, they were truly born of royal birth and needed to be “Loyal To The Royal” within them
Their pretty invitation represented the precious temple recommend each of them had or would shortly get.  Uncle Eric lovingly spoke about the importance of being respectful and reverent when attending the temple, preparing themselves both spiritually and physically each time they go.  After his talk, the girls were invited to dry their feet and put on a pair of warm fuzzy socks.  They were then escorted to the Living Room.
A Magical Evening For Beautiful Princess's
A Magical Evening For Beautiful Princess’s
The Living Room had been decorated with a canopy of sheer fabric and glittery white lights.  Each took a seat and there Aunty Becky read a poem about their pre-existence that Grandma wrote for them.  The poem talked about them being a princess from on high.  The princess’s were each given a key with the copy of the poem.  The key to exaltation is “doing your duty“.  The girls were so respectful and delighted with their ornate keys.

After the keys were handed out, one of the mothers slipped a beautiful crystal bracelet on their daughters wrists, and I spoke to them about the importance of adorning themselves in beautiful and modest clothing and thoughts.  I spoke honestly about my love for them and the virtue that shines from each of their faces.  I expressed my desire that each of the girls would commit to being a ‘safe place’ for others to be around, a place that inspires virtue, specifically for boys.  In this world full of immorality and immodesty, I know that the temptation to degrade one’s self is sometimes hard for boys to resist, especially if the girls around them are wearing things that distract one from godly thoughts and intents.  As a mother of sons, I plead with them to help inspire all who they interact with, to keep true to the “royal inside of them”.  I showed them a movie I made for them celebrating their royalness.  There were giggles as their faces appeared on screens, hopefully they felt the spirit of the movie as well :)
Uncle Simon followed up the message with helping them realize that their bodies are truly a temple and they needed to treat it with respect, and consideration.  He hand them each a heart case filled with sweets and said to each one individually “Modesty is a matter of the heart.”
Being Crowned
Being Crowned
The climax of the evening was when each girl individually were escorted by their willing dads to the ‘throne’ and crowned a princess.  What a sweet moment that was to look around the room and see such radiant virtuous faces staring back at me.  What peace and awe filled my heart as I saw these royal, beautiful daughters of God being so open to hearing the words of counsel and love from their parents.  It was a precious memory.

Father Daughter
Heather talked to the girls about keeping their mind full of learning.  I am afraid that their willingness to listen to counsel encouraged too many parents to share their own final ‘advice’.  The evening went a little too long, but they girls did not fidget nor did they complain.  They just sat and soaked it all up.  As we closed with prayer, and the princess’s mingled with one another over food, my heart was full.
Royal Juice Fountain

Royal Juice Fountain
Truly I was in the presence of pure beauty and goodness.  There was no doubt in my mind that these girls were being “Loyal To The Royal” within them.

My princess ELLICE!!!  Oh, how I love you daughter!!!