Monday 1 April 2013

Easter Week-end, the magic continues...


We came back Thursday night from Calgary.  I love being home!!!!  We have been gone for about a month.  We went to Arizona, Utah and then Calgary.  The kids have been AMAZING!!!!  It seriously was the best month ever.  There is just something magical that happens when we travel as a family, all squashed up, no cousins, no distractions, no anything except ourselves...well, we did visit with family and friends but the core amount was spend just us as a family.

We celebrated Passover at Aunty Lindy's it was wonderful.  Our girls are so so blessed to live around all this family and good friends.
The best part about the family culture we have established among our group is that when there is an event usually the WHOLE family goes so there is no separation of siblings and parents etc.

Then on Sat the kids spend the day playing on the land with all their cousins.  We went to the temple (which I love!!) and then to a business meeting with Mike and then to Lethbridge.   Sannie and I love spending time together, we seriously are best friends.  We are starting up the furniture business again it is exciting!

THE twins and Grace love the baby so much!  I don't know what I would do without my little crew of girls.  I love them so much.

Sunday we had lots of people/family over and had a sing-song at the end.  My stress level was pretty good actually I feel myself changing and being able to handle more stuff, it still bugs me when things get wild and messy, but the house did ok and we ended the evening around 10:30pm.  This is where this video came from!

Ellice sang in a quartet at church she was beautiful and confident! I love her so MUCH!!!!  It is exciting seeing her grow up (but still really really sad, I don't want my baby to grow up!)  (she is way to cute for her own good!)

Aunty Lindy made this video for me!  Isn't she awesome!!!  Our girls used to sing this song all the time I pray it is ingrained in their hearts forever....I wanna live my life with honor and faith!

Kalynn also sang in a duet.  She was confident and radiant as well, we were very proud of them.

The Sunday program focussed all on Jesus.  I felt the Spirit a lot this past Sunday.  I know Jesus is literally the Son of God and that the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS is God's only true church, and that Jesus was literally resurrected!

Maria and Ellice have been getting along so is wonderful seeing them play so good together although they are sometimes silly!

Maria loves travelling so much.  She thrives on new experiences and lots and lots of family time and attention.  She is one girl that does not need friends right now other than her siblings and family.  She is becoming such a great bbsitter and loves baking and doing anything to do with sugar!
Ever since we have come back to the land the kids have been playing and playing with their cousins....they are so so blessed to all live together out here!

 These girls are so blessed to have each other...they all help each other out.  I look forward to seeing them raise their children and hope they get to live close together...there is nothing like a great sister friend!

 Today the twins played all day outside at the Pederson.  Bear got a big pond dug and the kids played and played....I love the twins so much, they are delightful and so wonderful and get along work is far from their radar they are enjoying being a child too much!
They have become great little singers especially at night time when they are supposed to be in bed!!!  There picture is in this Mormon Message!  Ohhhh, I love them so much *I am glad noone is reading this of else they might accuse me of pride!

They begged me to cut their hand and give them bangs!  Yah, I shouldn't have listened to their persistent sweet voices!
Even the baby thinks their bangs look a little silly!!!